I thought

In my early 20’s I had my entire life planned out on how it would go. I made a vision board in my mid-20s that displayed how everything would go before age 30. Want to know know something? My life did not go the way I thought, and as for the vision board, there were only 3 out of 7 things that happened before the age of 30. I thought it would happen in the order in which I created it, but that is not what God had planned.

I thought I would have this certain life and success so much so, that as I was nearing age 30 (realizing it was sneaking up quickly without the other 5 things checked off), I began feeling down. I was afraid and even anxious because I was on the brink of the age I had thought everything would happen. After I turned 30, I threw the vision board away. I realized my plans and God’s plans for me weren’t different. Sure, I still want some of those things on that vision board to manifest, but timing is everything.

I had to learn a few things:

1. When you surrender your life to God and submit to His will, things won’t go as planned.

2. God does not operate in time.

3. The scripture found in Isaiah 55:8-9,

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Learning these 3 things made me realize that I am not in control. Since I gave myself to God, I have to live according to His will and purpose for my life. That is not to say I cannot have the desires of my heart, but that I am not going to receive them how and when I think I am. God’s ways and thoughts are higher than mine so I cannot predict the outcome or the manifestation. Knowing this has saved me a lot of stress and anxious thoughts.

Maybe you have planned something in life that didn’t happen when you thought. Don’t give up on your dreams. Allow God to remain the author and finisher of your life and story. He knows what is best and how to obtain the desires of our hearts. Maybe it isn’t “no,” but “not yet!” This week take your thoughts out of it, and ask God to reveal His will for you. He will reveal it to you. Continue to pray for your desires and ask God to allow your desires to line up with His will. And remember this,

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Past Weekly Devo's

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Moving Forward

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