
We all have experienced rejection and know the hurt or disappointment it causes. For example, rejected by a loved one, a position, a spiritual leader, a college, or a loan; the list goes on. Rejection can make you feel embarrassed, insecure, broken-spirited, hopeless, heartbroken, and defeated. Especially if it is something you work hard for. When you are confident about a situation and then rejected, it is like a slap in the face. Jesus faced rejection from loved ones and people who falsely accused him. Regardless, he continues to love everyone and forgive them. Some of us may not be too loving or forgiving after rejection, but with love in our hearts, we can be.

During a season of rejection, one day, I decided to look up scriptures on what God says about me rather than how the world views me. I found an article about rejection with scriptures that help cope with it. One scripture stood out to me the most: “But now, this is what the LORD says – He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1). Reading that made my heart glad. Knowing that God chooses me, makes rejection easy to cope with. Chose by the Creator of all things is an honor and privilege.

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you.

Do not fear, we are redeemed. Jesus paid a price for our sins by sacrificing his life. There is nothing grander than that. With rejection, fear will often creep in. The fear of worrying it will happen again. That fear hinders new opportunities because a person feels unworthy. That is not true. You are worthy! You were good enough then, and you are now. Jesus will redeem and remind you that you are good enough. Some doors are simply not yours. Do not allow the fear of rejection to keep you from doing remarkable things! Sometimes, who or what rejected you may regret it, and things could turn around in your favor. Life is a mystery, but it will work in your favor. “We know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose”(Romans 8:28).

I have summoned you by name.” 

That is personal. God summons us by the name some people reject. He calls us by it. Rejection is already factored into our lives. In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Since God goes before us (Deuteronomy 31:8), we can trust that it was all part of His plan. We just have to experience it to build character. If He brings you to it, He is faithful to bring you through it. Remain confident in your identity in Christ. Sometimes rejection is redirection. Sometimes, God allows rejection because it protects us from things we are unaware of. Be thankful for the rejection. Remember that God could have chosen anyone, but He summoned you by name.

You are mine.” 

The last part of that verse is powerful. We belong to the one true living God. Our Heavenly Father created heaven, the universe, the sun, the stars, and the moon. He spoke mountains into existence along with everything else that exists. It is wonderful how God claims us and calls us His. I am now reminded that even though I may face rejection, the Creator of all things acknowledges me and calls me His. The enemy wants us to believe that God is against us when we experience rejection, but he is a liar. The enemy is against us and is out to steal, kill, and destroy our destiny. Once we shift our focus toward God and away from rejection, peace will follow. We belong to God, and there is nothing that rejection or the enemy can do about it.

Rejection hurts but humbles. It eliminates arrogance and reminds us that we aren’t perfect. All of us will experience rejection. The enemy will try to make you feel unworthy. You are worthy and fearfully and wonderfully made. Whatever person, position, or opportunity that rejected you… know that it was God’s protection and redirection to better. Continue to hope and set grand expectations. Always trust in Him who redeemed, summoned, and called you His.

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