Moving Forward

Towards the beginning of 2024, I had a dream that I was falling out of the sky (skydiving), but my parachute didn’t work. As I was falling there was a person beside me who had a parachute. The person grabbed my hand and told me that everything was going to be alright and that I was safe. I felt at peace when the person grabbed my hand. The next day I was on the phone with one of my brothers and told him about the dream I had.

Once I finished telling him about the dream, he asked me a crazy question. “Do you want to go skydiving?” I’m responding like did he not hear what I just said? My parachute didn’t work… but then something even crazier popped up in my mind. I said to myself, “Well, you didn’t die.” After that, I told him let’s do it. He wasn’t expecting me to agree with him, but now we had a decision to make. Are we going to be moving forward with this crazy idea?

This past weekend, my brother and I went skydiving and we’re alive to tell the story. My dream did manifest, but not in the way I had been shown. It was such a thrill and the guy I was hooked to, made me feel so safe and protected. Last week I talked about “Just do it.” This week I want to talk about moving forward. Life is full of crazy moments, good or bad. If I had let fear talk me out of skydiving, I wouldn’t have got to see the world from a different perspective.

The skydiving experience was such a beautiful one for me. I was imagining God flying beside me as I was falling. Once the parachute released it was just me gliding in the air. I felt so brave. However, I felt relief once I could feel the ground again. This week I want you to plan something on your bucket list. Pray about it. Moving forward with something that constantly plays in your head is so rewarding. Plan it, and let’s figure it out together.

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