
I used to have an unhealthy way of thinking; It was to lower my expectations of people and situations so I wouldn’t be disappointed if things did not turn out how I wanted or expected. That way of thinking blocked blessings and caused worse-case scenarios to manifest. I would subconsciously suppress feelings I had for people and situations. Because of my unhealthy way of thinking, I became nonchalant and careless. Without hesitation, I would give up on people and situations so I wouldn’t have to face my emotions. When others vented to me, I convinced them to lower their expectations. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have given that advice. That way of thinking leads to unforgiveness and a hardened heart. I know now that I have to endure.

When RISE was born, I wanted the name to be an acronym. I wanted each letter to mirror what I experienced before and after Christ. The R stands for reach. I am reminded to reach others by telling them about my testimony and the gospel. The I stands for inspire. I inspired many when I was in the world, and not positively. Now I can inspire many positively. The S stands for serve. As a follower of Christ, you live to serve others. It is not about you. Jesus served and is the King of kings and Lord of lords, yet he was humble and put other’s needs before himself. The E stands for endure. One cannot endure by giving up. Endurance builds character. It strengthens you and builds your faith. Overcome tough times by facing adversity, not running from it.

It is the E (endure) that I struggle with and that many of us struggle with. I can reach, inspire, and serve without much struggle, but there is something about enduring tough times. Being aware that it is an ongoing process in life is a hard truth. According to the dictionary, the word endure means – suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently. Another definition for endure means – remain in existence; last. It was easier to give up on disappointment, to bury it. God now instructs me to suffer patiently, so I cannot give up. I must face disappointment head-on. Nonetheless, it is difficult for me at times.

Lowering expectations causes a loss of hope. A pastor said, “Whatever level you expect is the level you will get.” Lowered expectations will lead to lower results, while high expectations will lead to higher results. A fear of disappointment manifested disappointment because that is what I expected. I wanted to be practical or logical, but that is not how God works. To receive the promises of God, practical or logical thinking will only get in the way. His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor our ways His ways (Isaiah 55:8).

Most revelation from God will feel unreachable, impossible, or insane. If you are not careful, you may fall into the trap of lowering your expectations or have the urge to give up. We must understand that God specializes in the impossible. Impossible leaves room for faith. Endurance strengthens you and builds your faith in God. It is necessary so you can withstand adversity and believe that in due time, you shall receive the promises of God.

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