Want to Lower your Electricity bill costs?
In January of 2017, I moved into a new apartment. Since I moved in during the winter, I kept the heat on. Doing that spiked the electricity bill. However, I always turn my lights off during the day so I do not have to worry about adding more to the electric bill. Many people leave the lights inside their homes on throughout the day. That has always bothered me, but as their guest, I keep quiet. My eyes feel weird when I see lights turned on and sunlight peeping through at the same time. Because of this, I got into the habit of turning off lights during the day. Instead, I open the blinds so that our natural source of light, the sun, fills my home with its radiant power. Of course, that could make it a little toasty inside during the summer, but with the AC set to an energy-reducing degree, it makes it bearable. At night, I turn off all lights, except for night lights my son might need. For 7 years, I have cut down my electric bill just by doing those things.
Some people’s eyes are sensitive to sunlight, so I suggest getting solar shade screens for your windows. Experts suggest setting your thermostat to a certain degree during the summer and winter months. Doing this can help reduce electricity costs. Also, unplugging unused appliances can help as well. There are other methods to reduce your electricity bill, so if you know of any, comment below.
I hope these methods help lower your electricity bill. Thanks for reading!