Weekly Devo

Wondering Why?

Question… When things get weird, life gets hard, or circumstances become burdensome, do you try to wonder why? Do you try to put yourself in God’s position by wondering if God’s allowing things to happen because of….? I have, and the truth is, we don’t know, and won’t until it happens or is revealed. I […]

I thought

In my early 20’s I had my entire life planned out on how it would go. I made a vision board in my mid-20s that displayed how everything would go before age 30. Want to know know something? My life did not go the way I thought, and as for the vision board, there were

Keep Going

From April to June, I have been putting off my website. There has been an overwhelming sense of responsibility running this ministry, alongside life. Recently, I had to let go of some people closest to me. Their ungodly lifestyles were pouring over into my Christ-following lifestyle, causing me great distress and to backslide into evil.


Have you ever started a new business, graduated, got offered a big opportunity, or even got an award for something you did, and the very people you would have thought would support you, didn’t? Me too! It also happened recently. I just started a new endeavor and thought the support would first come from relatives

Moving Forward

Towards the beginning of 2024, I had a dream that I was falling out of the sky (skydiving), but my parachute didn’t work. As I was falling there was a person beside me who had a parachute. The person grabbed my hand and told me that everything was going to be alright and that I

Just Do It

There are a few skills I have learned over the past few months that I never thought I’d be good at. Learning new things can seem intimidating at first, but once you step out in faith and do it… it can turn around in your favor. I’ve also started a new project that I was


I know so many people who don’t take responsibility for their actions. Instead, they lie, place blame on others, or even brush off the wrong as if it didn’t happen. This bothers me so much. I don’t trust these people because if they can lie to themselves, they’ll lie to me. People often call me

Keep Believing

I recently had an encounter I prayed about beforehand. When the moment came, I was a bit disappointed because it didn’t go the way I imagined. I told myself that I have to keep believing no matter what. It’s not going to happen the way I imagined. It will be unimaginable! If you can imagine

Giving To Others

Recently, someone I would consider an enemy, (due to this person’s strong dislike of me), asked me for a favor. The favor was to lend them some money. Not a small amount either. You can imagine the shock that came over me while reading the text message. My initial thought was, “No you can’t have

The Wait

One of the hardest things to do during your walk with Christ is wait on God’s promises. Has God given you a promise, and you are wondering when the promise will come to pass? If yes, then this post is for you. The wait can be intimidating, scary, and doubtful. We don’t always know when