

Discouragement From Believers

Receiving discouragement during your walk with Christ from other believers can leave you feeling shattered. Lately, I’ve wondered how some believers lack the most...

Satan (The Devil)

Growing up, I watched cartoons that sometimes showed the devil sitting on one side of a character’s shoulder (usually the left side) while an angelic figure sat on...

Sin Will Prevent You from Entering Heaven Believe It or Not

I had a conversation with someone about God and sin. The person believes that God is loving and will not discipline His children (send them to hell). I asked...

Electricity Bill

Want to Lower your Electricity bill costs? In January of 2017, I moved into a new apartment. Since I moved in during the winter, I kept the heat on. Doing that spiked the...

Judging or correcting? to Judge or correct

Many people are familiar with (Matthew 7:1). In this verse, Jesus says not to judge others, or you will be judged. Some people use this scripture out of context, like...

Parents End This Curse

I was talking to someone about how I had never been envious of anything, but one thing used to bother me. That one thing was family. I saw how different families...