Sierra A.


I used to have an unhealthy way of thinking; It was to lower my expectations of people and situations so I wouldn’t be disappointed if things did not turn out how I wanted or expected. That way of thinking blocked blessings and caused worse-case scenarios to manifest. I would subconsciously suppress feelings I had for people and situations. Because of my unhealthy way of thinking, […]


Some people wear invisible masks to hide their identity. They lie, have insecurities, and a list of other things, if exposed, they would feel ashamed of. Different types of people hide behind these invisible masks. They believe that if others knew of their true identity, they would have to be honest and vulnerable about things they aren’t proud of. people of


Idolatry… “Of what value is an idol carved by a craftsman? Or an image that teaches lies? For the one who makes it trusts in his creation; he makes idols that cannot speak.” – Habakkuk 2:18 Idolatry is the worship of something or someone other than God. For example, money, success, the universe, a spouse or relationship, crystals, sage,

The Wilderness

There will be times when the Lord separates us from the outside world. He then moves us into a place of isolation. This is the wilderness. We learn about the wilderness in the Bible, like the familiar story found in the book of Exodus about Moses and the children of Israel. The story talks about