Sierra A.

Move On

It is not always easy to move on in life. Moving on consists of letting go of people or times in your life that no longer benefit you. Sometimes it is hard to move on because of the pain attached to it, but we hurt ourselves more when we choose to continue putting up with […]

Words Hurt

I heard a saying growing up: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Although I get the meaning behind the saying, it is false. Words hurt! Words actually can leave a longer-lasting pain than broken bones. Lately, I have been getting constant signs about gossiping. I’ve had dreams, messages,


Stress, sometimes called the “silent killer,” is a struggle many of us battle. Whether it be falling behind on bills, being nervous about test results, or juggling parenting and a career at the same time, it can strain us mentally. When a woman is pregnant, doctors often suggest to her, “try not to stress.” Stress

The One

Yesterday I watched a movie about a group of guys who get stuff done – if you know what I mean. The leader of the group died (he faked his death), and the head man in charge of the entire group, told only one of the guys that he could no longer be a part

You’re Beautiful

I deal with a lot of insecure people. I am unsure how they find me, but they do, and I always have to speak life into them. I’ve never been insecure so I cannot relate in that area, but I am always letting the most insecure people know how beautiful they are inside and out.

It’s Alright

It’s alright not to have the words to describe how you’re feeling. Usually, when people ask me how I am doing, I say good, bad, happy, sad.. depending on what’s going on. Sometimes I don’t have a direct answer. These past 2 months I have been feeling all 4 of those emotions. Life is crazy


Sometimes I want things to happen quickly, but I’m also content with the learning experiences when things don’t happen so soon. There are lessons, growth, and even revelation that take place. You get to learn things about yourself as your patience is being stretched. Heck, you may even realize that you need patience. What is

Every Tongue

I heard about a pastor who was blamed for an indecent act. The accusations took place on social media platforms and the internet. I saw many people making fun of the pastor and saying ignorant things. It’s amazing how quickly people can react to something terrible, but drag their feet or remain silent about something

Wondering Why?

Question… When things get weird, life gets hard, or circumstances become burdensome, do you try to wonder why? Do you try to put yourself in God’s position by wondering if God’s allowing things to happen because of….? I have, and the truth is, we don’t know, and won’t until it happens or is revealed. I

I thought

In my early 20’s I had my entire life planned out on how it would go. I made a vision board in my mid-20s that displayed how everything would go before age 30. Want to know know something? My life did not go the way I thought, and as for the vision board, there were